The Story
I wasn't your typical musical theatre student. I started voice lessons at the age of seven, only because my older sister started voice lessons and, like any little sister, I wanted to do everything my sister was doing. All I knew was that I loved making sound and performing.
When I was ten years old, I saw my first Broadway show with my mother and sisters. Watching the original production of Beauty and the Beast at the Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles, I remember leaning over to my mom and whispering to her, “I want to be Belle”. Oh, how dreams do come true!
I ventured into the musical theatre world at a young age, making appearances in The Wizard of Oz as a Munchkin and a flying monkey and of course what young kid hasn’t been an orphan in Annie. I remember during the dance callback for The Wizard of Oz turning in the opposite direction of everyone else. How humiliating!! But I made it into the show nonetheless. Little did I know, dipping my toe in local theatre was just the beginning.
My sisters and I formed a singing group, becoming the stars of our little town of Redlands. We were the hottest act around for a few years. Our Dad even named a line of toilet paper after us at our family’s paper distributing company, so if you ever find yourself using a roll of “Harmony Soft” toilet paper, you know who to thank (I now realize that whenever you wipe your butt you will be thinking of me... ew). We pushed our luck and made a country album. Being California girls attempting to sing country music, we named our album “Coast to Country.” Ultimately, the group split up, as so many do. My sisters decided to study business and take part in the family business, whereas I continued on the path of becoming a ridiculously famous singer (Dear, Lord).
Deciding to start my solo career, I auditioned for American Idol and got my “Golden Ticket” to Hollywood from Mr. Simon Cowell. After my audition, Simon said {insert British Accent}, that “if there were birds in the room, they would be on my shoulder”, which certainly foreshadowed my future as a Disney Princess!
My dreams of becoming a pop star ended quickly, and I instead focused my sights on studying and getting a degree in music. I really had no idea what I was getting into and, no joke, just googled “music degrees,” and I ended up going to the one school I applied to - San Diego State University. There I got my first taste of classical voice training, conducting, piano, composition, music theory, aural skills, and sight reading, completing a B.A. in Music. It was challenging, but absolutely thrilling. I couldn't get enough of Mozart and Chopin and Bach! And it was there where I began my start as a private voice teacher, working at a small studio in San Diego. Wanting to learn more, I decided to continue my study and get my Masters in Vocal Performance. From there, I went to Bowling Green State University, a perfect and quaint university with an incredible music program. I found myself singing in Italian, German, and French, along with taking vocal pedagogy classes and vocal rep classes. I loved every minute and was completely fascinated by all of my classes, becoming a geek about what the voice was capable of.
This is where my journey starts to zig zag a bit. I warned you that I am not your typical musical theatre student: )
While studying for my M.M., I began really honing in on teaching voice. I began teaching the undergraduate Musical Theatre students and realized how much I LOVED IT. At the same time I started dipping my toe back into Musical Theatre. I’m gonna be honest, I had no future as an Opera singer. The Musical Theatre world was really my one true love : ) While teaching and helping the Musical Theatre students prep for their shows I began to creep over to their department and also audition and began to find success and pure joy in performing once again. By the time I graduated with my M.M I was pursuing two dreams: performing and teaching. From there I have never looked back.
I will never forget my first big New York audition. No young actor does. I had moved home after receiving my M.M. from BGSU and at the time I was doing a production of Little Women when I saw a posting on Backstage for Belle in the National Tour of Beauty and the Beast. There it was. The one role that I had been dreaming of playing since I was a little girl. My cast members encouraged me to submit a tape to the Associate Director. So, I sent a video of me singing “Astonishing” (not knowing that this was the most overdone audition song) and pressed send. A couple of weeks went by and in my inbox there was an email with the subject line “Callback for Belle in Beauty and the Beast.” They asked me if I would like to come to NYC the following week. NEW YORK CITY!!!! WHAT?!!
I packed a small bag with my lucky dress perfectly pressed and got on plane to the Big Apple. It was my first time in Pearl Studios, where all the magic of casting happens : ) I walked in, handed them my headshot, and waited my turn. There were only a few other girls there which should have made me nervous but I was miraculously calm. I was so sure that this was a role that I was meant to play. I walked in and saw a long table with about 10 people behind it. It was an out of body experience as I sang through the callback material; almost like I was watching myself audition! I was singing the songs I had been preparing for since I was 10. It was just flowing out of me like it was somehow a part of me. I finished the last of the sides and left the room feeling like I could fly. I got in a cab to head back to my hotel and while I was shoving a McDonalds french fry in my mouth I received a call from the Associate Director asking if it were possible to come back the following day for the final callback. I screamed!! And really scared the cab driver! Ha! This was too good to be true.
I woke up the next morning ready for the final callback. I remember walking back in the room and the amount of people behind the table had doubled. It was intimidating but thrilling. I just knew that there was no one else for this role. I truly believed that. I did what I had prepared for all these years and walked out of the room seeing only smiles behind the table. I hopped back on a flight to California and waited and waited and waited. Three weeks later I received the call. The Associate Director said " Hi, Hilary, we would like for you to be our Belle in Beauty and the Beast.” I was in the car with my mom at the time and looked over at her and she knew. We both had tears in our eyes. I had done it. The rest is history: )
I have performed in venues across the nation and world, working with a variety of different artists, theatre companies, and creative teams. My Regional credits include Daddy Long Legs (Jerusha Abbott) at Theatre Works in Silicon Valley(TBA Award),The Light in the Piazza (Clara Johnson) and Daddy Long Legs (Jerusha Abott) at Theatre Raleigh, and two seasons at Moonlight Ampitheater starring in My Fair Lady (Eliza Doolittle), South Pacific (Nellie Forbush), Aladdin: The Musical Spectacular (Jasmine), Cinderella (Cinderella), Little Women (Jo March), and The Marvelous Wonderettes ( Cindy Lou). I recently originated the role of Margaret Dirmith in Tambora: The Lost Kingdom (NYU) written by Lisette Glowdowski and Richard C. Walter. I’m a member of The Somatic VoiceworkTM Teachers Association and received my certificate of attendance and completion for the 2020 online Lovetri Institute for Somatic VoiceworkTM, Level I and II.
When I’m not performing or teaching, I enjoy spending time with my dog, Rosie. I love animals; I’m the biggest dog lover in the history of the universe!
Photography Credit: Hilary Peters, Issac James, Shani Hadjian